FlexHyJoin: a new, extremely ambitious and interesting research project
KGR was invited to participate in a new, interesting and demanding European research project called FlexHyJoin - Flexible production cell for Hybrid Joining.
The aim of the project is to realize the know-how and the equipment necessary to automatically connect specific hybrids made of thermoplastic (TP-FRPC) reinforced composite metal and polymer components during a reliable production process capable of replacing the classic methods junction (fastening with a sticker, mechanical junction, ultrasonic welding, injection molding, etc.) with a more competitive and cost-effective production technology that provides significant improvements in productivity and consumption energy and raw materials.
For this purpose, within the FlexHyJoin research project, new manufacturing and process control systems for laser welding and induction will be developed.
This includes further surface treatment, a process control during the production phase, non-destructive testing methods, and simulation of both process and component behavior.
FlexHyJoin's results will provide all the tools needed to manufacture value-added products in terms of greater flexibility, productivity, and cost reduction needed to boost the competitiveness of manufacturers, system integrators and end-user automotive suppliers in Europe.
the research will be conducted by a partner consortium coordinated by the Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH and consists of ten companies in total.
the launch meeting will be held in Brussels at the end of next month in October
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 677625